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1. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Simple Future of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      I ___________. (to agree)
      I shall agree or I will agree.

      You ____________ the results. (to publish)
      You will publish the results.

1. We ___________. (to succeed)
2. They _________________ the site. (to excavate)
3. He _________________ the situation. (to study)
4. We _________________. (to hurry)
5. I _________________ soon. (to follow)
6. It _________________ a surprise. (to be)
7. He _________________ us. (to remind)
8. She _________________ tomorrow. (to depart)
9. I _________________ here. (to remain)
10. They __________________ university. (to enter)

2. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions, negative statements, negative questions without contractions, negative questions with contractions, and affirmative statements followed by negative tag questions. For example:
      She will notice us.
      Will she notice us?
      She will not notice us.
      Will she not notice us?
      Won't she notice us?
      She will notice us, won't she?

1. You will wash the windows.
2. They will help you.

3. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Simple Future of the verbs shown in brackets. Use shall in the first person for questions in which a request for permission is implied. For example:
      I ________ out soon. (to go)
      I shall go out soon. or I will go out soon.

      _____ we _____ now? (to leave)
      Shall we leave now?

      ____ they _____ France? (to visit)
      Will they visit France?

      It ____ not ____ long. (to take)
      It will not take long.

1. We _________________ you at the museum. (to meet)
2. _______ you _______ me a pen? (to lend)
3. _______ they not _______ the competition? (to win)
4. She _______ not ___________ to come. (to forget)
5. _______ he not _______ the boat? (to sail)
6. You _________________ the expedition. (to enjoy)
7. _______ I ________ this? (to order)
8. _______ you not _______ for me? (to wait)
9. We _______ not _______ late. (to be)
10. He ________________ us the news. (to send)
11. I ______ not _______ my way. (to lose)
12. _______ they __________ the program? (to watch)

4. Using the Simple conjugation which expresses determination and compulsion, fill in the blanks with the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      We _________ the exam. (to pass)
      We will pass the exam.

      You ____________ the work on time. (to finish)
      You shall finish the work on time.

1. They ________________ the tickets. (to buy)
2. I _________________ home. (to go)
3. He _________________ our guide. (to be)
4. You _________________ with me. (to come)
5. I ________________ it. (to remember)
6. She ________________ us. (to call)
7. We ________________ the money. (to earn)
8. They _________________ us. (to respect)
9. I ________________ you. (to help)
10. It _______ not __________ us. (to hinder)
11. We ________________ it. (to find)
12. You ________ not __________ it. (to regret)

5. The following sentences refer to future events. Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the correct form of the Present Continuous tense of to go, followed by the infinitive of the verb shown in brackets. For example:
      She _________________ swimming. (to teach)
      She is going to teach swimming.

      ___ we _____________ home? (to walk)
      Are we going to walk home?

      He __ not _____________ us. (to find)
      He is not going to find us.

1. ______ he ____________________ horseback riding? (to learn)
2. I __________________________ the windows. (to wash)
3. ______ you ____________________ with us? (to come)
4. It ______ not ____________________ cold tonight. (to be)
5. ______ he not ____________________ the letter? (to answer)
6. We _________________________ to the library. (to go)
7. ______ she ____________________ a sweater? (to buy)
8. ______ you not ___________________ us? (to call)
9. I ______ not ____________________ late. (to stay)
10. They ________________________ supper. (to cook)

6. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      We _______________ you tomorrow. (to see)
      We shall be seeing you tomorrow. or We will be seeing you tomorrow.

      He _________________ school next year. (to attend)
      He will be attending school next year.

1. You _____________________ with us. (to come)
2. It _____________________ warmer. (to grow)
3. They ____________________ new furniture. (to buy)
4. She _____________________ the clock. (to watch)
5. I ____________________ downtown. (to go)
6. You _____________________ the cake. (to cut)
7. They ____________________ the newspaper. (to read)
8. We __________________ the museum. (to visit)

7. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions, negative statements, negative questions without contractions, negative questions with contractions, and affirmative statements followed by negative tag questions. For example:
      They will be serving the dessert.
      Will they be serving the dessert?
      They will not be serving the dessert.
      Will they not be serving the dessert?
      Won't they be serving the dessert?
      They will be serving the dessert, won't they?

1. He will be needing this.
2. They will be living here.

8. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Continuous of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      I ________________ soon. (to leave)
      I shall be leaving soon. or I will be leaving soon.

      ____ you _________ coffee? (to make)
      Will you be making coffee?

      He ____ not ________ the bus. (to use)
      He will not be using the bus.

1. He _____________________ a new language. (to learn)
2. ______ she ___________________ help? (to need)
3. ______ you not __________________ your jacket? (to mend)
4. He ______ not ___________________ here. (to stay)
5. ______ we not ___________________ them a card? (to mail)
6. They __________________________ the telephone. (to answer)
7. ______ you ___________________ downtown? (to go)
8. I _____ not __________________ at the school. (to stop)
9. ______ she not ___________________ a trip? (to plan)
10. I ___________________________ the arrangements. (to make)
11. They ______ not __________________ tired. (to feel)
12. ______ we ___________________ at the library? (to meet)

9. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      She _________________ by then. (to arrive)
      She will have arrived by then.

      We ______________ everyone. (to meet)
      We shall have met everyone or We will have met everyone.

1. You ________________________ the advertisement. (to study)
2. He _________________________ the newspapers. (to scan)
3. I _________________________ here for five years. (to be)
4. They ________________________ the proposal. (to consider)
5. It ________________________ raining by tomorrow. (to stop)
6. You _______________________ your plans. (to make)
7. I _______________________ the flowers. (to pick)
8. They ________________________ their minds. (to change)

10. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions, negative statements, negative questions without contractions, negative questions with contractions, and affirmative statements followed by negative tag questions. For example:
      She will have foreseen the difficulty.
      Will she have foreseen the difficulty?
      She will not have foreseen the difficulty.
      Will she not have foreseen the difficulty?
      Won't she have foreseen the difficulty?
      She will have foreseen the difficulty, won't she?

1. It will have happened by then.
2. You will have paid the rent.

11. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      He __________________ it soon. (to finish)
      He will have finished it soon.

      You ____ not ________ time to read the book. (to have)
      You will not have had time to read the book.

      ____ they __________ before? (to fly)
      Will they have flown before?

1. I ________________________ for a walk. (to go)
2. They _______ not yet _________________. (to arrive)
3. _______ she not __________________ the apples? (to eat)
4. _______ you __________________ the letter? (to send)
5. They _________________________ an apartment by then. (to find)
6. He _______ not __________________ soundly. (to sleep)
7. _______ I  not _________________ you before then? (to see)
8. _______ he __________________ the puzzle? (to solve)
9. We _________________________ the parcel by Monday. (to receive)
10. _______ she not ________________ the chairs? (to sell)
11. _______ we __________________ the bus schedules? (to study)
12. You _______ not _________________ the rabbits. (to feed)

12. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Continuous of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      You ______________________ all night. (to wait)
      You will have been waiting all night.

      They _____________________ a good time. (to have)
      They will have been having a good time.

1. She __________________________________ with them. (to argue)
2. We __________________________________ the city. (to tour)
3. He ____________________________________ what happened. (to wonder)
4. I ___________________________________ inventory. (to take)
5. It ___________________________________ for two days. (to snow)
6. They __________________________________ to come. (to long)
7. You ____________________________________ a speech. (to give)
8. We ___________________________________ our breath. (to hold)

13. Rewrite the following affirmative statements as questions, negative statements, negative questions without contractions, negative questions with contractions, and affirmative statements followed by negative tag questions. For example:
      You will have been reading the timetable.
      Will you have been reading the timetable?
      You will not have been reading the timetable.
      Will you not have been reading the timetable?
      Won't you have been reading the timetable?
      You will have been reading the timetable, won't you?

1. He will have been guarding the luggage.
2. They will have been preparing the meal.

14. Using either the auxiliary shall or the auxiliary will for the first person, fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Continuous of the verbs shown in brackets. For example:
      They _______________________ the house. (to clean)
      They will have been cleaning the house.

      ____ you ________________ to call? (to try)
      Will you have been trying to call?

      He ____ not _________________ the paper. (to read)
      He will not have been reading the paper.

1. She _________________________________ to help us. (to offer)
2. _______ it not __________________________ by then? (to snow)
3. We _______ not ___________________________ to leave. (to plan)
4. _______ they __________________________ for rain? (to hope)
5. I __________________________________ my friends. (to visit)
6. He _______ not ___________________________ the pictures. (to develop)
7. _______ she _________________________ the hedge? (to clip)
8. _______ we not _________________________ them often? (to see)
9. They ________________________________ for twenty-four hours. (to wait)
10. _______ he not __________________________ down? (to lie)
11. _______ you _________________________ croquet? (to play)
12. They _______ not _________________________ here long. (to live)

15. For each of the following sentences, paying attention to the tense of the underlined verb, complete the sentence correctly by filling in the blank with either the Past Perfect or the Simple Present of the verb shown in brackets. For example:
      When I first met him, he ___ already _________. (to graduate)
      When I first met him, he had already graduated.

      We will read the information before we ____ a decision. (to make)
      We will read the information before we make a decision.

1. They ______ already _______________ the letter when they heard the news. (to mail)
2. They will wait until he __________________. (to come)
3. She will help us if we ___________________ for assistance. (to ask)
4. Although I _______________ him to come, he stayed away. (to beg)
5. He will send for us as soon as he ____________________ time. (to have)
6. After I __________________ the grass, it started to rain. (to water)
7. When we called, they _______ already ________ the house. (to leave)
8. He will watch while they _______________________ their tricks. (to perform)
9. By the time I ___________________ everything, it was past nine o'clock. (to organize)
10. They will signal when they ____________________ ready. (to be)
11. Even though we _________________ warm clothes, we became quite cold. (to bring)
12. If it __________________ tomorrow, we will go skiing. (to snow)
13. We _______ just _________________ supper, when the phone rang. (to finish)
14. I will let you know when I ______________________ it. (to find)


Answers to Exercise 1:
1. shall succeed or will succeed 2. will excavate 3. will study 4. shall hurry or will hurry 5. shall follow or will follow 6. will be 7. will remind 8. will depart 9. shall remain or will remain 10. will enter

Answers to Exercise 2:
1. Will you wash the windows? You will not wash the windows. Will you not wash the windows? Won't you wash the windows? You will wash the windows, won't you?
2. Will they help you? They will not help you. Will they not help you? Won't they help you? They will help you, won't they?

Answers to Exercise 3:
1. shall meet or will meet 2. Will, lend 3. Will, win 4. will, forget 5. Will, sail 6. will enjoy 7. Shall, order 8. Will, wait 9. shall or will, be 10. will send 11. shall or will, lose 12. Will, watch

Answers to Exercise 4:
1. shall buy 2. will go 3. shall be 4. shall come 5. will remember 6. shall call 7. will earn 8. shall respect 9. will help 10. shall, hinder 11. will find 12. shall, regret

Answers to Exercise 5:
1. Is, going to learn 2. am going to wash 3. Are, going to come 4. is, going to be 5. Is, going to answer 6. are going to go 7. Is, going to buy 8. Are, going to call 9. am, going to stay 10. are going to cook

Answers to Exercise 6:
1. will be coming 2. will be growing 3. will be buying 4. will be watching 5. shall be going or will be going 6. will be cutting 7. will be reading 8. shall be visiting or will be visiting

Answers to Exercise 7:
1. Will he be needing this? He will not be needing this. Will he not be needing this? Won't he be needing this? He will be needing this, won't he?
2. Will they be living here? They will not be living here. Will they not be living here? Won't they be living here? They will be living here, won't they?

Answers to Exercise 8:
1. will be learning 2. Will, be needing 3. Will, be mending 4. will, be staying 5. Shall or Will, be mailing 6. will be answering 7. Will, be going 8. shall or will, be stopping 9. Will, be planning 10. shall be making or will be making 11. will, be feeling 12. Shall or Will, be meeting

Answers to Exercise 9:
1. will have studied 2. will have scanned 3. shall have been or will have been 4. will have considered 5. will have stopped 6. will have made 7. shall have picked or will have picked 8. will have changed

Answers to Exercise 10:
1. Will it have happened by then? It will not have happened by then. Will it not have happened by then? Won't it have happened by then? It will have happened by then, won't it?
2. Will you have paid the rent? You will not have paid the rent. Will you not have paid the rent? Won't you have paid the rent? You will have paid the rent, won't you?

Answers to Exercise 11:
1. shall have gone or will have gone 2. will, have arrived 3. Will, have eaten 4. Will, have sent 5. will have found 6. will, have slept 7. Shall or Will, have seen 8. Will, have solved 9. shall have received or will have received 10. Will, have sold 11. Shall or Will, have studied 12. will, have fed

Answers to Exercise 12:
1. will have been arguing 2. shall have been touring or will have been touring 3. will have been wondering 4. shall have been taking or will have been taking 5. will have been snowing 6. will have been longing 7. will have been giving 8. shall have been holding or will have been holding

Answers to Exercise 13:
1. Will he have been guarding the luggage? He will not have been guarding the luggage. Will he not have been guarding the luggage? Won't he have been guarding the luggage? He will have been guarding the luggage, won't he?
2. Will they have been preparing the meal? They will not have been preparing the meal. Will they not have been preparing the meal? Won't they have been preparing the meal? They will have been preparing the meal, won't they?

Answers to Exercise 14:
1. will have been offering 2. Will, have been snowing 3. shall or will, have been planning 4. Will, have been hoping 5. shall have been visiting or will have been visiting 6. will, have been developing 7. Will, have been clipping 8. Shall or Will, have been seeing 9. will have been waiting 10. Will, have been lying 11. Will, have been playing 12. will, have been living

Answers to Exercise 15:
1. had, mailed 2. comes 3. ask 4. had begged 5. has 6. had watered 7. had, left 8. perform 9. had organized 10. are 11. had brought 12. snows 13. had, finished 14. find


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