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Word Families / Rhyming Words
Skilled readers recognize patterns in words rather than sound words out, letter by letter. Word families, also known as phonograms, rimes, or chunks, are letter patterns that are more stable than individual vowel sounds.
If a reader knows the word, back, for example, it's likely that he/she will be able to read other -ack words, such as snack and jacket. Recognizing word families helps students build large reading vocabularies.
Please click on the word family to see the words that can be made.
Long vowel sounds
ace ,
ade ,
age ,
aid ,
ail ,
ain ,
air ,
ake ,
ale ,
ame ,
ape ,
ate ,
each ,
eal ,
ear ,
eat ,
ee ,
eel ,
eep ,
ice ,
ide ,
ie ,
ife ,
ight ,
ike ,
ile ,
ind ,
ine ,
ite ,
oat ,
oke ,
old ,
ube ,
use ,
Short vowel sounds
ab ,
ack ,
ad ,
ag ,
all ,
am ,
amp ,
an ,
and ,
ank ,
arm ,
ap ,
ar ,
ash ,
at ,
ed ,
ell ,
en ,
ent ,
est ,
ick ,
id ,
ig ,
ill ,
in ,
ing ,
ink ,
ip ,
ish ,
ock ,
og ,
oil ,
oo ,
ood ,
oof ,
ook ,
ool ,
oom ,
oon ,
oop ,
oot ,
op ,
ore ,
orn ,
ot ,
ought ,
ould ,
ound ,
ouse ,
out ,
ox ,
uck ,
ug ,
um ,
ump ,
un ,
unk ,
us ,
The words below have been arranged in groups according to their ending sounds.
ab : cab, crab, dab, drab, grab, jab, stab, tab
ace : ace, brace, face, grace, lace, mace, pace, race, space
ack : attack, back, black, crack, Jack, jacket, knack, lack, pack, quack, rack, sack, snack, stack, tack, track, whack
ad : ad, bad, dad, fad, glad, grad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad, tad
ade : blade, fade, jade, made, spade, trade, wade
age : age, cage, gage, page, rage, sage, stage, wage
ag : bag, brag, drag, flag, gag, hag, jag, lag, nag, rag, sag, snag, tag, wag
aid : aid, braid, laid, maid, paid, raid
ail : ail, fail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, rail, sail, snail, tail
ain : brain, chain, drain, gain, grain, main, pain, plain, rain, Spain, stain, strain, train
air : air, chair, fair, hair, lair, pair, stair
ake : awake, bake, brake, cake, flake, lake, make, rake, stake, take, wake
ale : bale, dale, gale, male, pale, sale, scale, stale, tale, whale
all : ball, call, fall, hall, mall, small, stall, tall, wall
am : am, dam, ham, jam, ram, Sam, sham, slam, spam, wham, yam
amp : amp, camp, clamp, damp, lamp, ramp, stamp
ame : blame, came, fame, flame, frame, game, lame, name, same, shame, tame
an : an, ban, bran, can, clan, Dan, fan, flan, Fran, man, pan, plan, ran, span, Stan, tan, van
and : and, band, bland, brand, grand, hand, land, sand
ank : bank, blank, crank, drank, Hank, plank, rank, sank, spank, tank, thank, yank
ap : cap, clap, flap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, slap, scrap, tap
ape : ape, cape, drape, grape, rape, shape, tape
ar : are, bar, char, car, far, jar, par, scar, cigar, guitar
arm : alarm, arm, army, charm, farm, harm
ash : ash, bash, cash, crash, dash, flash, gash, hash, mash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, trash
at : at, bat, brat, cat, chat, fat, flat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, spat, sprat, tat, that, vat
ate : ate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, Kate, late, locate, mate, plate, rate, skate, slate, state
aw : claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, jaw, law, paw, raw, saw, slaw, straw, thaw
ay : away, bay, bray, clay, day, gay, gray, hay, lay, may, okay, pay, play, ray, say, spray, stay, sway, tray, way
each : beach, breach, each, peach, preach, reach, teach
eal : deal, heal, meal, real, seal, steal
ear :appear, clear, dear, ear, fear, gear, hear, near, rear, spear, tear
eat : beat, cheat, eat, feat, heat, meat, neat, pleat, seat, treat, wheat
ed : bed, Ed, fed, Fred, led, Ned, red, shed, sled, Ted, wed
ee : bee, free, see, tee, tree
eel : eel, feel, heel, peel, reel, steel, wheel
eep : beep, creep, deep, keep, jeep, peep, seep, sheep, sleep, steep, sweep, weep
eet : beet, feet, fleet, greet, meet, sheet, sleet, street, sweet
ell : bell, cell, dell, dwell, fell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell
en : Ben, den, fen, gentlemen, hen, men, pen, ten, then, when, wren
ent : bent, cent, dent, event, lent, rent, scent, sent, spent, tent, vent, went
est : best, crest, chest, guest, jest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, vest, west, zest
et : bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, wet, yet
ice : advice, dice, ice, lice, mice, nice, price, rice, slice, spice, twice
ick : brick, chick, click, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, quick, Rick, sick, slick, stick, thick, tick, trick, wick
id : did, grid, hid, kid, lid, rid, slid, squid, forbid
ide : bride, decide, glide, guide, hide, pride, ride, side, slide, stride, tide, wide
ie : die, lie, pie, tie
ife : fife, knife, life, wife
ig : big, dig, fig, gig, pig, rig, twig, wig
ight : bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, height, light, might, night, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight
ike : bike, dike, hike, like, Mike, pike, strike
ile : file, mile, Nile, pile, smile, tile, while
ill : bill, chill, dill, drill, grill, hill, ill, Jill, kill, mill, pill, sill, skill, spill, still, thrill, till, will
in : begin, bin, chin, din, fin, grin, in, kin, pin, sin, shin, skin, spin, tin, thin, twin, win, within
ind : bind, blind, find, grind, kind, mind, rind, wind
ine : dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, spine, vine, wine
ing : bring, cling, fling, king, ping, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, thing, wing, wring, zing
ink : blink, brink, drink, ink, link, mink, pink, rink, shrink, sink, stink, think, wink
ip : chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, nip, rip, ship, sip, skip, slip, tip, trip, whip
ish : dish, fish, wish
it : admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, it, kit, knit, lit, mitt, pit, quit, sit, skit, spit, split, twit, wit
ite : bite, kite, site, write
y : cry, dry, fly, fry, guy, my, shy, sky, sly, spy, try, why
oat : boat, coat, float, gloat, goat, moat, oat, throat
ock : block, clock, cock, dock, flock, frock, knock, lock, mock, o'clock, rock, shock, sock, stock
og : bog, clog, cog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log, slog, smog
oil : boil, broil, coil, foil, oil, soil, spoil, toil
oke : awoke, bloke, broke, choke, coke, joke, poke, smoke, spoke, stroke, woke
old : bold, cold, fold, gold, hold, mold, scold, sold, told
oo : boo, goo, moo, shoo, too, zoo
ood : brood, food, good, hood, mood, stood, wood
oof : goof, proof, roof, spoof
ook : book, brook, cook, crook, hook, look, nook, shook, took
ool : cool, drool, fool, pool, school, spool, stool, tool
oom : bloom, boom, broom, doom, gloom, loom, room, zoom
oon : moon, noon, soon, spoon
oop : droop, hoop, loop, scoop, snoop, Snoopy, troop
oot : boot, foot, hoot, scoot, shoot, soot
op : bop, chop, cop, crop, drop, flop, hop, mop, pop, shop, slop, stop, top
ore : before, bore, chore, core, explore, ignore, more, ore, pore, score, shore, snore, sore, store, tore, wore
orn : born, corn, forlorn, horn, morn, scorn, thorn, torn
ot : apricot, blot, cot, clot, dot, forgot, got, hot, jot, knot, lot, not, plot, pot, rot, shot, spot, tot, trot
ought : bought, brought, fought, ought, sought, thought
ould : could, should, would
ound : bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound
ouse : blouse, douse, grouse, house, louse, mouse, souse, spouse
out : about, out, pout, shout, spout, stout
ow : (as in 'slow') blow, bow, crow, flow, glow, grow, know, low, mow, row, show, slow, snow, sow, stow, throw, tow
ow : (as in 'how') bow, brow, chow, cow, how, now, plow, row, sow, vow, wow
ow : (as in 'brown') brown, crown, clown, down, downtown, drown, frown, gown, nightgown, town
ox : box, fox, ox
oy : boy, coy, joy, ploy, Roy, soy, toy
ube : ube, cube, flashcube, tube
uck : buck, chuck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, struck, stuck, suck, truck, tuck, yuck
ug : bug, chug, drug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, plug, rug, shrug, slug, snug, tug
um : chum, drum, glum, gum, hum, plum, strum, sum, swum, yum
ump : bump, clump, dump, hump, jump, lump, plump, pump, rump, slump, stump, thump, trump
un : bun, gun, nun, run, sun
unk : bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, plunk, punk, shrunk, skunk, sunk, trunk
us : bus, plus, us
use : amuse, fuse, muse, use
ute : cute, flute, mute, shute
ust : bust, dust, gust, must, rust, trust
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