Grammar | Phonics | Quotations | Poetry | Speeches | Idioms | Articles

Welcome to . Word Power

Word Power is a free online educational resource, that was launched in 2002, for English students of all ages and at all levels.

English Grammar

Table of Contents | Alphabetical Index | Common English Irregular Verbs

Simple present of the verb to be and Exercises
Simple present of other verbs and Exercises
Present continuous and Exercises
Present perfect and the present perfect continuous and Exercises
Simple past and Exercises
Past continuous, the past perfect and the past perfect continuous and Exercises
Future tenses and Exercises
Conjugations with the auxiliary would and Exercises
Subjunctive and Exercises
Modal verbs and Exercises
Transitive and intransitive verbs and Exercises
The passive voice and Exercises
Nouns: The formation of plurals and Exercises
Singular countable nouns and Exercises
Plural countable nouns and Exercises
Uncountable nouns and Exercises
Nouns indicating possession and compound subjects and Exercises
Personal pronouns and Exercises
Other pronouns and Exercises
Determiners and Exercises
Adjectives: Position in a sentence and Exercises
Adjectives used in comparisons: Part I and Exercises
Adjectives used in comparisons: Part 2 and Exercises
Adverbs: Position in a sentence and Exercises
Adverbs of manner and adverbs used in comparisons and Exercises
Prepositions and Exercises
Phrasal verbs and Exercises
Conjunctions and Exercises


Phonics Index | A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z

Short A | Short E | Short I | Short O | Short U

Long A | Long E | Long I | Long O | Long U

Picture Dictionary / Word Bank

Picture Dictionary Index

At the Bakery | In the Bathroom | On the Farm | At the Fruit Stall | In the Garage

In the Kitchen | In the Living Room | At the Restaurant | At the Vegetable Stall | At the Zoo

Word Families / Rhyming Words

An alphabetical list of word families / rhyming words.

Long vowel sounds

ace , ade , age , aid , ail , ain , air , ake , ale , ame , ape , ate , ay
each , eal , ear , eat , ee , eel , eep , eet
ice , ide , ie , ife , ight , ike , ile , ind , ine , ite , y
oat , oke , old , sl-ow
ube , use , ute

Short vowel sounds

ab , ack , ad , ag , all , am , amp , an , and , ank , arm , ap , ar , ash , at , aw
ed , ell , en , ent , est , et
ick , id , ig , ill , in , ing , ink , ip , ish , it
ock , og , oil , oo , ood , oof , ook , ool , oom , oon , oop , oot , op , ore , orn , ot , ought , ould , ouse , out , h-ow , br-ow-n , ox , oy
uck , ug , um , ump , un , unk , us , ust

Online Articles

The History of Phonics: The Oldest Argument in the World
Phonics: Learning to Play by Ear
Break Out Of The Teaching Rut And Teach English In Hong Kong
Intonation In English: Expressions Of Two Words
Learn A Foreign Language Online
Learn To Teach English As A Foreign Language
Teaching in Korea
The Challenge Of Learning The Chinese Language
Break Out Of The Teaching Rut And Teach English In Hong Kong
Intonation In English: Expressions Of Two Words
Learn A Foreign Language Online
Learn To Teach English As A Foreign Language
Learning Tips for Students
Teaching in Korea
The Challenge Of Learning The Chinese Language
See the Articles Index for more articles.

Over 2,800 Idioms

ahead of time | back to the drawing board | calculated risk | dark horse | early bird catches the worm | face the music | gang up on someone | hair stand on end | if worst comes to worst | jam on the brakes | kangaroo court | lame duck | make a beeline for something | nail down | odds and ends | pad the bill | quaking in his boots | rain check | save face | take a back seat | ugly duckling | vamoose | wade into | X marks the spot | yakety-yak | zero hour
[ more idioms ]


Quotations Index | Education Quotes | Susan B. Anthony | Aristotle | Warren Buffett | Deepak Chopra | Winston Churchill | Confucius | Roald Dahl | Albert Einstein | Henry Ford | Robert Frost | Mohandas Gandhi | Jean Paul Getty | Bob Hope | C. S. Lewis | Abraham Lincoln | Ronald Reagan | Tony Robbins | Awaken the Giant Within | Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi | Mark Twain | Pope Benedict XVI | Oscar Wilde | Deng Xiaoping


Poetry Index | Maya Angelou | Lewis Carroll | Phoebe Cary | Emily Dickinson | Robert Frost | Kenneth Grahame | Diana Hendry | John Kitching | Myra Cohn Livingston | Gervase Phinn | Edgar Allan Poe | Andrew Taylor | Jennifer Tweedie | Brenda Williams | William Wordsworth | William Butler Yeats

Famous Speeches:

Speeches Index
Susan B. Anthony, On Women's Right to Vote - 1873
Tony Blair, To the Irish Parliament - 1998
Winston Churchill, Their Finest Hour - 1940
Queen Elizabeth I, The Spanish Armada - 1588
Mahatma Gandhi, Quit India - 1942
John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address - 1961
John F. Kennedy, "Ich bin ein Berliner" - 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr., Birth of a New Nation - 1957
Martin Luther King, Jr., "I have a dream" - 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance - 1964
Martin Luther King, Jr., I've Been To The Mountaintop - 1968
Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address - 1863
Nelson Mandela, Inaugural Address - 1994
Pope John Paul II, The Holocaust Speech - 2000
Ronald Reagan, "Tear down this wall!" - 1987
Mother Teresa, Nobel Lecture Speech - 1979

Words, Songs and lots more !

Children's Songs | Christian Songs | Nursery Rhymes | Aesop's Fables | Joke of the day | Winnie-the-Pooh Songs | Tongue-Twisters | Irish Blessings